Ive had to stop recording the album, it hardly seems worth it now, we must fight to survive!
Ive sent this to the other survivors today:
More and more Survivors are joining the fight and things are gathering momentum for the night looks like there could be a war on the horizon, but how do we combat them?
On Friday head down to Drakes, dress as one of them crazies it’s the best way to sneak passed them, their aggressive but dumb as hell. We’re going to need to check you for infection when you get here, it’s just a precaution but if we’re going to beat this we’ve got to be able to get rid of any chance of the infection spreading.
On Friday head down to Drakes, dress as one of them crazies it’s the best way to sneak passed them, their aggressive but dumb as hell. We’re going to need to check you for infection when you get here, it’s just a precaution but if we’re going to beat this we’ve got to be able to get rid of any chance of the infection spreading.
Saturday we fight back!!! we need combat gear and weapons, lots of weapons! Doesn’t worry the drink will make you stronger, we’ve got the old man mixing up a cocktail of cure and adrenalin, and I’ve had some it makes you feel like you can take on elephant.
Signs are beginning to show as we slowly edge toward Armageddon. Last week there was an article in the champion about swine flu on the rise, the lies are starting and the UK is starting to crumble, I will try and contact you again but the web is unsecure, look for the man and the sandwich board for more information.
I pray this is taken seriosly!! Im going to scope out the safe house tonight and look for places to hide, the man with sandwich board will be the key!!
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