Its 12 noon in a sleepy sea side town in the North West, the old folks have bought ice creams and are enjoying the sun, then from out of nowhere, a van appears and the silence is shattered by the sound of molten metal!!!!

We have overtaken a nightclub decked out like a ski lodge for the afternoon, and we are here to make a noise!!.

Moments later the slavering horde appears, 60 metal hungry monsters all there to be part of something........ Something horrible!!

As you may have guessed already I’m talking about the video shoot for the song “red” (or aka) from the album Zero one, after months of planning filming began at around 12:20 on Saturday the 8th Aug, we arrived in full attire and set the stage for what has been for me the highlight of this year’s work with Sa-da-kO.
Once all the release forms had been filled in and the liability forms had been scribed we pretty much let the guys rip each other to bits while we rocked out the only way we know how.

It was a day that was filled with alcohol, lots of hellyeahs and brutal energy that couldn’t have been created without the help of the Sa-da-kO brood. We met a lot of awesome people and had a lot of fun and just wanted to say again a big thanx from all us to all of our new friends and old ones who appeared on the day.

I’ve put a load more pictures on the facebook fan page and of course I will keep you all updated on the filming as we go on.

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