Sa-da-kO is going well and the video is coming along nicely we filmed some extra footage last Sunday and there is a few more ides we have to go in there, I’ve got a load of pictures to upload but I want to save them for next week, by then I will have a bit more solid news and I’ll be able to give you an idea of the release date, all I can say is that it is starting to shape up pretty well.
So what do I talk about?
As well as being exited about all the developments within Sa-da-kO, Were all pretty excited about a lot of cinema releases coming up.
Tron legacy or T2on
Being a child of the 80’s I personally loved the feel of the original movie, it seems the new film as adopted the slick neon on black colour scheme (a look I wanted to have in our very own Aku Studios) and brought it straight to 2010. If you haven’t seen the original you haven’t experienced the 80s, I think it’s time to wipe the dust off the space invaders machine and put on the Goonies cos God dam it this looks good!!
Anyone who has been to my house has probably seen my collection of Aliens figures, Memorabilia and DVDs and also probably knows I’m crazy about a lot of James Cameron’s Sci-fi work, Not that the plot or scripts have anything to do with it but mainly because the films he works on have a style all of their own.
Well jimmy’s back and this time he back doing what he does best, if you’ve not heard of this film it defiantly has to be on your “must see” list.
Too like a remake or to not like a remake that is the question, There is a lot coming our way next year 2 in particular are either going to piss me off or I’m going to love them more than the original, but let’s be honest its more likely going to be the latter. The 2 films I’m talking about are of course, Clive Barkers Hellraiser & Wes Cravens Nightmare on Elm Street.

Only time will tell but I can never get my head round why people would revisit a franchise like these unless they feel they can offer something more and not something else, suppose they could always pop Sa-da-kO on the Original Soundtrack!!

But hey what do I know, and I did kinda like Rob Zombies Halloween, anyway I’m off re-paint the Mona Lisa and rebuild the pyramids because they’re getting a bit old.
Until next time my friends.
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