Thursday, 8 March 2012

Sa-da-ko Free Download from "awakenings" 2012

Ok, anyone who has visited come is going to notice a we haven’t been around much. That’s not to say that we have been lazy, decided to join the circus, won the lottery or sold gregzilla on the black market.

This is in fact to write, record, produce a new album, we announced this album was on the way back in September last year and I have to admit it hasn’t been easy.

We made a decision back then that we wanted to push ourselves on this one, to really have something that Sa-da-ko converts would be proud to own and we would be proud to create.

This is no mean feat ladies and gents; there has been genuine sweat and tears in the studio and just like any family we have fought, laughed and wrestled or way to what I believe is our best work to date.

With that we have made the decision to release 2 tracks from this album early on as a thank you for followers, facebook friends, twitterbots and the incredible people we met last year on tour but also as warning that “awakenings” will be a something that cannot be ignored.

This is the first track to be release feel free to download, share it and spread the infection , this is “change my fate”………….Time to wake the fuck up!!!

Awakening will be available mid summer 2012

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