As we explained in the first post, on the lead up to our first full length album release we are doing a little series of blogs for you to get into our mindset, and hopefully understand us a bit better, know why we do what we do, what drives us etc, 1. to (hopefully) get you excited about the release, and 2. so when it comes out you gotta bit of background to it, and appreciate it a bit more...
So first up, the name. We for some reason, have a LOT of trouble with our name. Other bands get it wrong, fans of the genre get it wrong, venues get it wrong, promoters, reviewers, you name it... all get it wrong. Its not like we picked a really obtuse hard to pronounce name either, and its split up for you too- could we make it any easier... sheeesh!!! lolz!! Back when Sa-Da-Ko was a home studio project, Simo decided upon the name using The Ring as inspiration. The Ring is a 1998 Japanese horror film by Hideo Nakata. There was an American remake more recently but that was balls, Sa-Da-Ko fact there bitches, anyway, the film centres around a cursed videotape, which brings death to all who watch it. A great psychic called Shizuko Yamamura commits suicide, passing her abilities to her daughter, Sadako Yamamura, who psionically made the videotape- and the assumption is that Sadako is dead and it was her vengeful spirit that killed the teenagers. Go watch the film if you wanna know more Filthlickers! Exploring the origin of the name, brings another interesting fact to light, Sadako is a Japanese name used for females. The same name can be written with a variety of Kanji, and the meanings of the name differ accordingly. So basically it means different things to different people, something which we try to do as a band, steering away from traditional "metal" names and deciding on something with a variety of meanings- meaning you decide what you want us to be to you!!
So now you see, thats the name taken care of, were not a number puzzle or any other combination of 6 letters, heres a list of some we have genuinely been called, either on the net, posters and programmes, and the worst being a Tshirt, although annoying, it has become a bit of a running joke between us and our fans, leading us to jokingly refer to ourselves as "Skidadle" lets hope this clears up the confusion, and people stop being fucktards ;)
"So-Da-Ko So-Do-Ko So-Du-Ko Sk-Da-Ko Sa-Do-Ko Sa-Da-Ku Su-Da-Ko Sa-Do-Ka"
You get the picture...
So thats the name, what's in a name hey... Its the music that does the talking surely? In the Awakenings album, we cover a lot of different elements, which we naturally do as a band. We all have different tastes of music, and try and fit elements of all we like into our songs. Obviously a common love of metal as a whole binds us together, but all the different sub-genres too, and different styles. So musically you've got elements of Classic metal, Hardcore, Djent, Thrash, Math, Death, Nu etc, which is probably one of the reasons we do peoples head in, cos we try an stick a bit of everything we like in there! Vocally we cover subjects from apocalyptic visions, political frustrations, Folklore and cultural mythos, to my own misanthropic views of the world and other such dark subject matter- tackled from an almost hip hop style of rhythm at times. But essentially we are about the groove- getting your head bangin an the pit erupting is what we essentially set out to achieve. We make music that, we hope, makes you wanna go sick; that empowers you and makes you feel good! Music that puts a big fucking smile on your face, makes you raise ya glass in satisfaction, then turn to your mate next to you, put ya screw face on and nod appreciatively...
You can take it as deep as you want to do- If you wanna learn every riff, beat and lyric, finding the true meaning of the songs- cool thats awesome, you gotta dig deeper for that shit, but if you are just a casual listener thats cool too. We aren't about writing songs so complicated, extreme or so impenetrable that no one knows what to do when we hit the stage, nor are we basic and boring, we just do what we came to do, and we have fun- That seems to be missing from the scene in general at times. Sometimes people lose sight of why they got into metal in the first place, and are so bogged down with tryin to label things and deem them "metal" enough for appreciation- So shut up, stop being a judgemental prick, crack open a beer an listen to some metal, LOUD!!
Right, I'm off to eat bacon, and perhaps an egg, cos I'm edgy like that.... Be back in a couple weeks where we will look at the actual album closer, and the processes we went through to develop it.
Check out the website for where to catch us live- back on it BIG TIME, we got loads of gigs comin up over the next few months, so I expect to see some familiar faces there yo!!
Take it sleazy filthlickers- catch ya soon!
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