Thursday, 16 August 2012

Sa-da-kO Broken by Bloodstock

Back from Bloodstock and Broken!!!

And what a weekend, cracking whether, cracking music and the chance to play on the new blood stage
Particular highs for us were wrapping Jim in black shrink wrap, the bloodstock audience customizing my shoes, catching Behemoth, eating an ice-cream while watching mayhem and winding up a stoned individual we christened captain Kursh.

"my name is Treacle and I've been bad"
Does that say "I am a Peedo"?
From a show point of view, the feedback we’ve had back so far has been unbelievable!!
It will be interesting to see some more of this roll in over the coming weeks.

One journalist was caught tweeting.....

Sa-da-ko = British Streetwise version of Lamb of god – #heavyfuckinmetal #brilliant

And another chap.......

“@sadako01 “still my personal Favorite out of the 39 bands on the new blood stage”

Sa-da-ko Bloodstock 2012

I know we have send a few thank you’s around already but we would like to thank in particular Vicky Bradley (AKA the Angel of Metal) for continuing support and hard work during our time away.
You will probably notice over the coming weeks a whole bucket load of interviews dotted about the interweb with unsuspecting members of the metal press, we had a lot of fun torturing the poor fools who had the misfortune to get into a conversation with us and hope we get the opportunity to do it again.

Enbont B & Sa-da-kO

So whats next??

Seems to be the question of the hour for Sa-da-ko but don’t worry we aren’t going anywhere, our next show will be a homecoming party this Saturday in Southport and then it will be heads down as we finish up this record.

We’ve already been putting our contacts to some good use by building a UK tour up for the end of the year but if you would like contact Sa-da-kO  for a future show or just want to spam us with Viagra emails please do so at

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