Fuck me, its been too long!! It would seem we have been so busy lately, we have neglected the blogs, and for that I can only offer our apologies, and cut my cock off. So with that, let us begin some hardcore blog-age, like a Hadouken to ya brown star this is the first of a few installments letting you know what the dickens we've been up to recently.

As some of you will know, we have just been on a mini tour of the southern parts of this foul country, with our brothers from other mothers Subservience!! Our first stop took us to Gravesend again, here we were looked after/ abused by the lovely people from
Sick Promotions who, definitely know how to throw a party, that there is a fact, A MOTHERFUCKIN SA-DA-KO FACT... ahem... sorry. Anyway, I digress. Sick Promotions are, as the name suggests, a promotions company, but a promo company with a difference. Several sexy differences actually, different as in fire. lots of fire, and dancing... POLE- Dancing, and poi, and burlesque, and a crazy dead guy as master of ceremonys, and burlesque... oh sorry I mentioned that!! But yeah, you get the picture, these guys and girls put on an awesome show, and work fuckin hard to ensure everyone has a good time, and judging by the smiling faces, I don't think many were disappointed!

While we were there, we had the honor of watching a show by
Daniella Martin (Who has performed with the Circus of Horrors) ascending the Ladder of Swords, jumping on broken glass, lying on a bed of Nails and "Human Blockhead" which involves 6 inch nails and her face, Ill let your imagination work the rest out- this lovely lady is well ard, trust me! 
Reading through their blurb on their website, i noticed that they give what they can back too, offering internships etc, which is awesome of them. Too many promo company's nowadays do very little, relying on the bands to do their job for em, are disorganized, and as long as they get paid, don't really give a shit, Sick promo however are in it for the love of a good show, and do everything in their power to make it happen. Heres what they have to say about themselves...
"We are an Alternative Entertainment Promotions company with a difference.
Sick Promotions has been operating since November 2010 and offers local musicians the opportunity to perform alongside special guest and resident fire performers, circus acts, burlesque performers and pole dancers, whilst offering students and graduates internships and jobs at the same time.
We support unsigned musicians b
y offering the scene free to enter competitions, promotional contracts, recording studio time, music video production, radio play on MTM Radio and assistance in graphics and web design for free. We raise the money to fund these services through our events and agency performances throughout the United Kingdom.
It is an innovative approach to promoting which we are now looking to take to the next level.
Are YOU sick enough?!"We certainly were, an we loved every minute of it! If your reading this an in a band, or into firey dancy entertainmenty stuff I suggest you hook the hell up with these dudes, an get involved in one of there sick circuses smash em an e.mail to sickpromo@gmail.com, check out their site
http://www.sickpromotions.info and
facebook too, tell em Sa-Da-Ko made you do it ;)So yeah thats about it for this one, thank your mother for the rabbits x

im not gonna cut my cock off for the record!!