Yo dudes, what's up?? First up, lemme apologise for the lateness of this update, the week has run away from me a bit!!
So anyhoo, I got meself sorted, gotta beer an got some nachos, an am off on one, so if me computer lets me, we on a roll mofockers!!
So as some of you no doubt are aware, Sa-Da-Ko went on a trip down south this weekend just gone, (26th-28th) for a couple of gigs, one in Hastings and one in Islington. Despite the lack of gravy and all things moist, (oo er!!) we had a wicked time, and were sorted out BIG time hospitality by the boys from Subservience, Ryan, Scott, Martin, Matt and Jay and Dj Conasir a.k.a. Liam!! Special mention to the Subservience boys for gettin us onto the BEST bbq beef smoke shack ass kickin meat attack restaurant we have ever seen, but more about that later....

First up was Hastings at "the pig in paradise" which had just recently had a refurb, an was sporting a nice Yates`s like finish to it, which kinda put us aback a bit, were not used to playing venues where your feet don't stick to the floor and you can see through ya beer, until we saw they had a room at the back, phew, this was more like it... scatty walls, junk around, stuffing outta seats, old skool décor... check!! We felt right at home!!!
First up were "The Dead and Buried" a nice dirty, in ya face metal band, based in Hastings. Not much to say about these except that they're freakin awesome and you should go watch the fuck outta them!!! A seriously refreshing band, nice drops and music to punch ya nan in the face to, let down only occasionally by a drummer who looked a bit bored to be there and seemed to only have a few different rhythms. Top group!

Next were "Sak-less Jack". Ace. Sack-less". ha ha. These dudes are all about the punk, ska punk, hardcore punk, melodic punk, punk rock punk punk PUNK!!! These lads gave out a tremendous amount of energy, bouncing around an clearly enjoying themselves, which was immediately infectious from the looks on everyone's faces, good if ya into punk but it all got a bit samey for me, after a while, but enjoyable all the same

Onto our new mates "Subservience" Who were the next to be unleashed onto the stage, gotta quick quote from their website, which Sa-Da-Ko suggest you check out by the way... "Guitarists who pride themselves on being horrible and eating tuna plain" Well keeep eatin the tuna boys, (Even if it is mingin!!) cos horrible is definately the word, in a good way!!! Straight up, no bollocks in ya face metal, marred only by equipment issues with the mic which was outta their control, with a nice bit of pit action at the end... win!!

Then it was time for us to do what we do best and rock the shit outta a club, and Id like to mention that the venue felt that this was a good time to steal Simo`s mic and use it for karaoke next door, nice one!!

After the gig was all over and done with, we then proceeded to get pissed with Subservience at their house and Rob tried to get into bed with me more than once :(
Up early(ish) the next day, and it was time to start up the old cougar again an drive to Islington, where our old friend Liam was puttin us up for the night, true to his alter ego`s title, DJ Conasir was mid-mix by the time we got there.
The day was spent wandering around Camden and trying to use tube ticket machines which are not designed for northerners, grabbin a few bevs as the evening drew in, and then we managed to get a table at the best resteraunt ever, fact, Bodeans. I could go on for hours about how the lightly bbq sauced brisket of beef is smoked and slow cooked to perfection, creating beef that melts in the mouth with a taste to die for, or perhaps telling you how the delicately flavoured rack of ribs compliment the meal adding a varience and texture that you never knew was needed, but couldnt bear to be without, or maybe how the succulent pulled pork served as a side in our case, really topped off the meal adding to make it a deeper, more meaningfull meat experience, (not gay!) or maybe how their idea of veg is coleslaw and chips... but I wont, just take it as a Sa-Da-Ko recommendation, and get your ass down asap, unless your a vegi...

The next day was a bit of a write off thanks to copious amounts of ale, but we got a full english so it wasnt a waste!! Tonight's venue was "The Gaff" A definite metal pub, with a good stage and a bangin sound system. One small point though, just cos its a metal venue, don't mean you can write off the bogs!!! Metal heads need to piss too ya know!! We had to wade through 2 inches of water to wee, and it was grim, plus Simo had a hole in his shoe so his feet were pissy wet through, so SORT IT!!!!
So the Gaff`s first band of the night was "Sanity Burns" who describe themselves as Groove-laden Thrash, a very fitting description!! The musicianship was excellent, all the lads were good at what they did, with some boss solos and frantic light speed riffs an beats, however I did find the vocalist a bit on top at times, which marred an otherwise good performance.

"Shreddertron" were next on, wit one foot very firmly planted in the same soil as the likes of Fear Factory/ Devin Townsend etc. This is no bad thing as we at Sa-Da-Ko are big fans of such artists. With crushing riffs and relentless drums theres nothing not to like about these heavy metal bruisers, except for their lack of vocals. Its nice to have a change and do something different, and it does work, I personally feel after a while of listening, that some sort of vocal would give it that extra something to make this band awesome.

Next up were Subservience again proving they are one of the South's hottest new bands around. another flawless show seeing them thrash around and put the boot well and truly up ya arse and makin you look and take notice!!
"Abadden" were next and the supposed headliners of this show, however due to a decision by the venue management were moved below us. We hope we didn't show you up lads, but doubt you could have seen us through that cold van you were all sat outside sulking in.. lol!!
I actually really enjoyed these, I'm currently listening to their myspace now, sorry about the sly dig lads, it made me laugh though, way to make a point!! These boys were nice and heavy with attitude and skill oozing out of every pore, and looking through their facebook, it has not gone unnoticed, with an impressive C.V. winning comps sponsored by metal hammer and sharing stages with some scene heavyweights, it was quite an honour to share a stage with these bad boys, Sa-Da-Ko recommends you go see these dudes soon an check em!!

Anyway, that's it, that's ya lot, im off to the pub, so see ya next time dude...
Sorry I missed the tour of the South boys, I'll catch you next time!