The site itself holds a wealth of talent from the area helping artists across the northwest connect and pull together to create a strong scene within the area. At first glance the site looks very much like an average social networking site however once you peel back the skin of what the site and the company offer, there is a lot more going on here.
Each week the site features bands and artists from the area as well as album reviews, videos and promotion for gigs across the North West, if that wasn't enough the company also offers its own clothes line and a full arsenal of promotional services including facebook, myspace & other internet tools.

If your looking to tour the northwest as a band or artist www.Makenomorenoise.co.uk
may be worth contacting to help create buzz for your event. add them as a friend on facebook for contact and tell em Sa-da-kO sent you.
Sa-da-ko will be headline act at this years Synthetic Ecstacy's Event showcasing some of the finest metal acts of the area this to be held at the vanilla lounge on Bonfire night so expect a night of insane metal and burning of political figures.....see you there!!!

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