This is another one of those “how to promote your band” articles I do every couple of months; I generally stumble across a lot of info like this on the web. Mainly because I’m obsessed with the whole marketing thang but more importantly it helps us, as a band, put together a strategy for really pushing us hear and letting people find what we do.
As a band we work and meet with a lot at other bands and artists in search of getting that lucrative deal because let’s face it everyone wants to be able to tell their boss to fuck off and go on tour with the likes of Slayer, Machine Head and Def Leppard, don’t they?

Ok maybe the last one is just me, but doesn’t it all break down into marketing anyway, and how we allow other people and industry moguls/ Mongols to find our music.
How many times have we heard a band in an empty pub/club playing to 1 person and his mate?You could be the best band in the world but if you don’t tell anyone how will anyone know? Don’t rely on your promoter 9/10 he/she doesn’t give a shit!
This is a great quote, I found it at.
“Many companies invest 35% to 65% or more of their profits back into
marketing and advertisements every year. Becoming and remaining number one
requires a lot of work. Advancing to more and more new customers not only
requires more and more marketing but keeping the old ones happy! “
But it makes sense, ok as unsigned musicians, we don’t have a lot of cash to throw about, but it does show were our priorities as a band (or company) should lie.
Promoting a band these days consists of either a myspace page or Twitter, get a CD and sell T-shirts, right?

Promotion of a company uses email, giveaways, Competitions, mini DVD discs promo’s, cold calling, internet marketing etc. You must do at least 3 forms of promoting to get a response out of your audience. The newsiest one for bands is musicmp3 ringtones and Video Games. So why don’t we adopt this strategy when developing our B(r)and.
Here’s a few alternative ways to promote I stole from another site:
- Great item that I have seen so far are mini DVD discs called pocket reels. GOTO www.pocketreels.com for more info on how to pick them up. These mini DVDs can go a far way just think what people would do if you handed them a mini DVD. They go crazy and they are super impressed! Place a nice video of your band on it and see how many new customers you receive at your next show!
- Having a photograph (Like Kuroii) or a videographer at your shows (Like Tim Johnson) to help promote your band is a good thing. They can take pictures and or videos and upload the images or videos to your website which can boost mailing lists and a fan club! And then they may be compelled to come to your next show and bring more friends or soak in the opportunities for fame and the live music experience itself.
- That brings us to a mailing list, each visitor to your website you should be collecting their email address so you can send them useful information like when your next show is going to be.
- Promoting your band is not easy so do yourself a favor and get a good publicist to promote your band. A good one can get you in 3 to 4 magazines and newspapers in one month for free, of course you have to pay the publicist but it will be well worth it. It can range from £400 to £2000. Note you can do this part yourself if you know how to negotiate with editors. 5. Promote your band by creating a really cool website! You’ve found ours but look into ways of finding a page to call home and use all the Social Networking sites to direct traffic to it.
- NB make sure you can edit content on your site without a third party, this is a common mistake a lot of businesses & bands make, you’ll need your update your special offers, gigs, and shows of course.
- Make a professional music video for your band or gig. This will help with promoting your band. High quality Video can be found at many locations for a crew with experience. for people who want an affordable video in the Southport & Northwest area please contact Tim 7. Saving the best for last.
- Another great way to promote your band is by making a mp3 ringtone, or polyphonic ringtone for example you can download a nickelback ringtone and wow free advertising everytime someone calls that person and bam there is a song on your phone. You need help making your own mp3 or polyphonic ringtone please go to A-FREE-RINGTONE.COM By making a ringtone like nickelback you can have your song ringing all over the world!

Hope this helps
Till next time!!!
You are definitely not alone with the Def Leppard vibes dude! Big up the 'Flep!!!
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